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Forging a Better Tomorrow with “Hirameki” and “Kirameki”
The Philosophy Guiding Our Ambitious Voyage into the Future
The TANAKA Precious Metals launched TANAKA Renaissance Plan, which aims to realize a sustainable society and ultra long-term corporate management while looking ahead to 2085, the year when the company will mark its 200th anniversary, in fiscal 2021.
Precious metals are full of potential. The exploration of frontiers such as space, deep sea and human bodies, or the development of devices and products that make people's lives more abundant, is not possible without precious metals. To unlock their potential and create a better future is our mission as a leading company in the field of precious metals.
Setting out for the distant future of 2085 will be an enormous challenge. It will be vital for us to mobilize the collective wisdom of the entire workforce. Innovation must start with employees, each person thinking with their own mind. To foster such a corporate culture, the TANAKA Precious Metals has redefined what it means to be who we are, expressed in the form of a Group philosophy: ひらめきときらめきで、今日を超える明日を創る Forging a better tomorrow with “hirameki” and “kirameki.” The TANAKA Precious Metals employees will unite behind this banner as we sail toward 2085. Together we will traverse turbulent seas, helping one another while acting on and applying our own individuality and creativity. This Philosophy will guide us as the TANAKA Precious Metals continues its voyage toward the future, one challenge after another.
In the TANAKA Renaissance Plan,“ sustainability” is also one of the important keywords. While the TANAKA Precious Metals has explored the recycling of precious metals to establish a material-cycle business for more than 130 years since its foundation, we recognize that we have to be a company that will lead the shift to a low-carbon and recycling-oriented society from a higher viewpoint and a broader perspective. Under the TANAKA Precious Metals Statement on Carbon Neutrality declared in fiscal 2022, we are currently accelerating various activities to protect the global environment at our plants and facilities so that we can achieve the target of making our CO₂ emissions net zero in 2050. We will continuously work to solve global environmental issues and social problems based on our strength in precious metals, which are rare resources.
In April 2024, we relocated our headquarters from Marunouchi to Kayabacho, Nihonbashi, the birthplace of the TANAKA Precious Metals. It was here that our predecessors carved out a future by continually taking up new challenges. Returning our headquarters to a place where their ideas and dreams live on has great significance as we set our sights on becoming a 200-year company. The office concept for the new headquarters is “Connecting with people, the city and the future.” Serving as the cockpit of the TANAKA Precious Metals, we will put in place an environment that anticipates tomorrow, promoting creative work styles. From Kayabacho, Nihonbashi, the place of our founding, we will continue our voyage into the frontier of the future, practicing our Philosophy: ひらめきときらめきで、今日を超える明日を創る Forging a better tomorrow with “hirameki” and “kirameki.”
Koichiro Tanaka