CSR(Corporate Social Responsibility)

To Be an Honest and Healthy Company

In addition to legal compliance, we promote Group-wide initiatives to develop business activities that are correct in accordance with social ethics on a global scale.

Corporate Governance

The TANAKA Precious Metals has established a corporate governance system and specified a basic policy for internal control to ensure respect for the rights and interests of all stakeholders and perform business operations, accounting and other activities in a legitimate and proper manner. Based on the system and basic policy, the Board of Directors, Group Management Committee, the Board of Auditors and the Internal Auditing Department play their respective roles.

●Governance Structure Diagram
Governance Structure Diagram

Risk Management Promotion Structure

We have formulated a Risk Management Committee, in which the Group CEO of TANAKA Holdings and the Group CSO(Chief Sustainability Officer) serve as the chief executive and the chairperson, respectively. A meeting of the committee is held twice a year to evaluate risks, check the status of actions for risks, determine crucial risks to be addressed and give instructions on the actions to be taken for the risks. For the crucial risks determined in the meeting, the respective committees and departments in charge of the individual risks develop plans to address them and take measures according to the plans.

●Risk Management Promotion Structure Diagram
Risk Management Promotion Structure Diagram

●Conceptual diagram of risk assessment
Conceptual diagram of risk assessment

Business Continuity Planning (BCP)

In anticipation of various natural disasters, such as earthquakes and storm and flood damage, we conduct regular drills and review the business continuity plans at our bases. In particular, we have installed live cameras at 10 facilities in Japan, which allow us to check the situation from a remote location in the event of earthquakes, sudden changes in weather and other emergencies, to use them for information sharing and initial response.

Images on a smartphone (sample)
Images on a smartphone (sample)

Compliance Training

To enhance compliance awareness and prevent dishonest acts, we disseminate the compliance guidebook. We also continue to provide e-learning courses on subjects such as the whistleblowing system, compliance with the Antimonopoly Law, prevention of corruption, protection of personal information and trade secrets. In addition, we provide relevant training to employees stationed abroad and overseas expatriate staff to enhance compliance awareness throughout the TANAKA Precious Metals.

Respect for Human Rights

The TANAKA Precious Metals declares in the TANAKA Precious Metals Code of Conduct and the TANAKA Precious Metals Standards of Conduct that we will eliminate any discrimination on the basis of nationality, race, etc. and will not use any child labor or forced labor. We also give internal education to prevent discrimination, harassment and other improper acts and have in place systems to give consultations and receive reports on non-compliance. The whistleblowers are strictly protected to ensure that they will not suffer any disadvantage. In addition, we have established rules to give consideration to the human rights of foreign national workers including that no registration or commission fee for recruitment should be collected from the workers and that the workers retain their own identification certificates, passports or work permits, visas, etc.

Harassment Prevention Training

The TANAKA Precious Metals has provided training to prevent and eliminate harassment since 2014. In 2022, we invited a company lawyer to organize a case study seminar for executive staff.

Whistleblowing System

In fiscal 2022, eight reports were received in the whistleblowing system. We have treated all of the cases properly while following the Whistleblower Protection Act, as well as our regulations on the whistleblowing system, protecting the whistleblowers and maintaining confidentiality.

Security Export Control

For global companies that deliver products and services to customers around the world while depending on international peace and safety, proper export control based on international cooperation is an essential duty. TANAKA Kikinzoku Kogyo K.K. has formulated its original security export control regulations (compliance program or CP) according to Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act and other laws and notified the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of them. We carefully control exports to prevent any of our products or technologies from being used for international terrorism or crime or diverted to nuclear or biochemical weapons, etc. In addition, we work to seize the trend of the US Export Administration Regulations (EAR), which are applied extraterritorially to become effective virtually all over the world, and other regulations to address them properly.

Activities as an AEO-Certified Exporter

Certified as an exporter authorized by the customs authority (AEO exporter), TANAKA Kikinzoku Kogyo K.K. has in place compliance systems for the security of freight, transportation, sites, etc., internal audits, management of contractors, communication networks with custom authorities and within the company and education system. We also supply products under reliable security.

AEO exporter authorizer

Promotion of Personal Information Management

The TANAKA Precious Metals manages personal information, which is classified into the three categories of "individual customers," "corporate customers" and "employees, etc." according to the personal information management regulations. Especially for the management of the personal information of individual customers, we use part of the ISO 27001 (information security management system) standard. Furthermore, we hold a meeting of the Personal Information Management Committee once in six months to check the management status in each of the categories and promote continuous improvement.
In fiscal 2022, three minor cases including the transmission of emails to wrong recipients occurred but we immediately took measures to address them. We will continue to work to prevent the leakage of personal information.